SANS FRAIS : 1 855 651-9137TOLL FREE : 1 855 651-9137


Personalization and maintenance of grocery cart: painting, cleaning and refurbishing.

An efficient and tailor-made brand image for your shopping trolleys!

In order to allow retailers to differentiate themselves, we offer the ability to customize, update, clean your carts, or use it for a short period of time.

Powder painting – choice of colours

Personalize your shopping carts or handling equipment by painting them the desired color (powder painting).
Choice of 8 standard colours: black, dark brown, red, blue, yellow, forest green, dark gray and light gray.


Refurbishing your shopping trolleys entails installing new wheels, new powder painting, new plastic accessories (blue, red, green, black, yellow or burgundy) and putting a new corporate signature on the handle.

DK18 Orange | Chariot de magasinage | Chariot Shopping


Cleaning your shopping carts or handling equipment is done on site at your location, with high pressure equipment and environmentally friendly detergents.


We rent shopping carts to facilitate moving your guests around at special events such as exhibitions, sales weekends or, as extras in movies.

Contact the specialists for customizing and maintaining your carts!